Little People Big World

‘Little People Big World’ Why Tori Roloff’s Dad Did Not Like Zach

Tori Roloff and Zach Roloff are no longer on Little People, Big World, but on their new podcast, TLC fans get to know them a lot better. Recently, she revealed that her dad was not keen on her dating Zach when she first met him. Read on to find out what he said to her.

LPBW - Zach & Tori Roloff - Instagram

LPBW Tori Roloff Gets Candid About Marrying A Little Person

On their Raising Heights podcast, the LPBW alums have been revealing more about dating and her early relationship with Zach Roloff. In the first season, they talked about meeting and marrying, kids, and other events. Plus, TLC fans found out that they still don’t see much of Matt Roloff and Caryn Chandler. In their recent episode, Zach Roloff’s wife talked about how she didn’t like dating short men before she met her husband of nearly 10 years.

Tori Zach Roloff Instagram


Tori Roloff described how she hated dating short men. For some reason, she just never gave them a chance. Turning up her nose if they were short, she’d dissed them. Only tall guys needed to apply by the sound of it. So, it seems amazing that she ended up marrying a little person. That might only further speculation that she married Zach for a bit of TV fame.

Little People, Big World Star’s Dad Was Not Keen On Zach Roloff

After talking about how she wasn’t usually interested in dating short men, the TLC alum moved on and spoke about her dad and the rest of her family. Surprised that she dated a little person, he expressed his concern. She said to Zach:

I can remember getting ready to go on a date with you and saying who you were and showing him a picture of you and him being like, ‘No, what are you talking about? This is not the guy I pictured for you.” He literally asked, like, ‘Are you sure?’ multiple times. He was like, ‘I don’t know about this.” [But] Then he met you, and I joke all the time, but pretty sure my dad likes you better than me now. My whole family likes you more.

YouTube comments about Zach and Tori Roloff

In the comments on YouTube, fans discussed Tori Roloff and her family. Here are some of their opinions:

  • Height should not matter. Being honest, loyal, and caring is all that should matter. I am glad that you guys. Are so open and honest about your relationships and your [lives.]
  • Zack has such a chill and even keel personality. Great husband qualities!
  • I can’t [sic) remember many men tall or short that have so much intelligence and understanding than Zach. This man is so knowledgeable and loving.
  • Something you touched on Tori resonated with me and I echo your sentiments. I almost wrote off my now husband when we first met because of his height.
  • Height was a big deal in my family. But I worried but guess what? The world doesn’t care so I found out! There are places for EVERY HEIGHT!
  • I am both short and disabled so I know how that feels. I was told that I had to be around (my normal friends.)

The Truth Behind Mixed Height Dating

What are your thoughts about Tori Roloff’s dad having his reservations about her dating Zach Roloff? Are you glad that he gets along with his son-in-law these days? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your Little People, Big World news.

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